Ladies Daytime
Welcome new and returning players to the Mackay Basketball 2025 Ladies Daytime Basketball

Season starts 9.30am Wednesday 19th of February 2025
The Mackay Basketball Ladies Daytime Basketball plays fixtures from February to November, with breaks for school holidays. Nominations are open to ladies of all ages and skill levels. The Wednesday morning competition is played at 9.30am at McDonalds Mackay Multi-Sports Stadium’s excellent facilities in a friendly atmosphere with the emphasis on fun and fitness. Morning tea is available for those who like to sit and chat after their game.

Recap of Ladies Daytime 2024 Season:
Grand Final Day celebrations on 6th of November 2024 included trophy presentations and morning tea at stadium, attended by 55 players and guests.
Grand Final Winning Teams were Blu Jays (Division 1) and Sweaty Bettys (Division 2).
Deanne Woods received the Shelley Rutland Memorial Trophy for Highest Point Scorer with 397 points for the season.
Princess Smith was awarded the Most Fouls for the season.
2024 Sportsperson of the Year award went to Jenny Scott.
If you would like to join in the fun of Ladies Daytime Basketball, please contact Julie Romagnolo on 0411 487 420 & email or Mackay Basketball Office on (07) 4957 5543.
You can also visit the Ladies Daytime Basketball Facebook Page.